3 Healthy Snacks for Busy Moms On The Go 

Written by RD, Elis Halenko, and nutrition student, Sydney Grier MHSc.

Blog Sponsored by The Canadian Sugar Institute

Let’s Get Real

Let’s imagine something; close your eyes with me. It is mid-afternoon, your lunch was a not-so-filling salad, you’re still only halfway through your to-do list for the day and your evening is projected to consist of what I like to call “uber mom” duty. Your stomach is grumbling, and you need something stat. All of a sudden you remember you prepped a batch of crispy chickpeas — the perfect high protein & fibre snack to take you through to dinner. That sigh of relief can only be credited to your past self thinking of your future hangry self by preparing an easy snack for your time of need.

It would not be uncommon to catch me with Ella (my toddler) in one arm, a batch of muffins in the other while shouting to Alexa (my virtual assistant) across the room to set a timer for the oven — all at once. Unfortunately, the above story is all too common for me. So I have recently made the effort to ensure future hangry Elis is taken care of.

Between huge grocery hauls, full days of content creation, recipe development and educational workshops — I am quite the busy Dietitian! As a busy Entrepreneur and mom, I often struggle to prepare quick, easy and nourishing meals, even as a Registered Dietitian. Juggling childcare, extracurricular activities, work commitments and even sleep is no easy task and that’s why I created this list and healthy recipes for you below;

Time saving snack prep tips for busy moms on the go:

1. The Power of Planning:

Being organized is the key to success, and that holds true for snack prepping too. Dedicate some time each week to plan your snacks in advance. Sit down with your kiddos and brainstorm ideas together. Not only will this get them excited about healthy eating, but it will also make them more likely to enjoy the snacks you prepare.

2. Pre-Packaged Perfection:

Invest in some reusable snack containers and ziplock bags. Portion out your snacks in advance, so they're ready to grab and go. Slice up fruits and veggies, and store them in individual containers. This way, you can simply toss them into lunchboxes or hand them out as after-school treats. It's a great way to ensure your kids are getting their daily dose of vitamins without sacrificing time.

3. Mix, Match, and Munch:

Get creative and mix up your snack options. Create a DIY snack bar by filling small containers with a variety of nuts, dried fruits, granola, and even dark chocolate chips. Let your kids choose their favorite mix, and voila! You've got a personalized snack that's nutritious and fun. This not only saves time but also helps to avoid any snack-time boredom.

4. Freeze for the Win:

Make the most of your freezer, mamas! Prepare large batches of healthy snacks like energy balls, muffins, or homemade granola bars. Once they're ready, pop them in the freezer and grab a few whenever you need them. Thaw them overnight or simply pack them frozen. It's a fantastic time-saving hack that ensures you always have a stash of healthy snacks at your fingertips.

5. Smoothies on the Fly:

Smoothies are a fantastic way to pack a punch of nutrients into a single serving. Prep smoothie packs by portioning out fruits, veggies, and any other ingredients you like. Store them in the freezer, and when you're pressed for time, simply grab a pack, blend it with some liquid, and voila! You have a refreshing and nutritious snack that's ready in minutes.

6. Get the Kids Involved:

Make snack prepping a fun and interactive activity by involving your kids. Let them wash fruits and veggies, mix ingredients, and assemble their own snack packs. Not only does this save you time, but it also empowers your little ones to make healthy choices and teaches them valuable skills in the kitchen.

3 Snacks for Moms on the Go Your Tummy Will Thank You For:

I decided to put together three easy and healthy snacks that can be made in large batches or frozen. And even if you are not a parent, these super simple healthy recipes are great for anyone busy or on the go! Sugar plays an important role in these baked treats providing caramelization, texture, browning and deliciousness! Cooking with sugar speeds up the process, avoiding the risk of overcooking and burning your treats. It also helps to give baked goods the ability to rise and have that perfect fluffy texture. 

If you find yourself turning to expensive, packaged convenience foods, look no further than these recipes! A Sunday afternoon makes the perfect opportunity to prepare a snack ahead of time to satisfy you in a pinch throughout the week. I promise they are the perfect multi-tasking companion!  

Super Seed Granola

Yield: 5 Cups 

Prep time: 5 minutes 

Cook time: 20 minutes 

Total time: 25 minutes 


  • 3 Cups rolled oats 

  • ¼ Cup sunflower seeds

  • ¼ Cup pumpkin seeds 

  • ¼ Cup hemp seeds 

  • 1 Tsp salt

  • ½ Cup melted coconut oil 

  • ¼  Cup brown sugar  

  • ¼ Cup maple syrup


  1. Preheat oven to 300°F. Combine oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and salt in a large bowl. Pour maple syrup and coconut oil all over, use a spatula to mix well. 

  2. Evenly spread across a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. 

  3. Bake for 10 minutes, remove from the oven and turn over the granola with a spatula. Bake for another 10 minutes. 

  4. Allow to cool completely before storing. 

Brown Sugar Chili Chickpeas

Yield: 2 Cups 

Prep time: 5 minutes 

Cook time: 20 minutes 

Total time: 25 minutes 


  • 1 Can rinsed and drained chickpeas 

  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 

  • 1 Tbsp Brown sugar 

  • Chili powdder to taste 

  • Salt to taste 


  1. Preheat oven to 300°F. Place rinsed and drained chickpeas in large bowl. Season with oil, brown sugar, chilli powder and salt. 

  2. Spread the chickpea mixture on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, remove from the oven and turn over the chickpeas with a spatula. Bake for another 10 minutes. 

  3. Allow to cool completely before storing.

Sweet Potato & Apple Muffins

Yield: 20 muffins 

Prep time: 10 minutes 

Cook time: 20 minutes 

Total time: 30 minutes 


  • 1 Cup all-purpose flour 

  • 1 Cup whole wheat flour 

  • ½ C white sugar

  • ½ C brown sugar

  • 1 Tsp cinnamon 

  • 1 Tsp baking Powder 

  • ½ Tsp baking soda 

  • 1 Tsp salt 

  • 2 Eggs 

  • ½ Cup canola oil 

  • ⅔ Cup applesauce 

  • 1 Cup grated sweet potato (water squeezed out)

  • 1 Cup grated apple (water squeezed out)


  1. Preheat oven to 300°F. Line 20 muffin cups with paper liners. 

  2. In a large bowl combine flour, white sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. 

  3. Add in eggs, oil, applesauce, sweet potato and apple. Combine well. 

  4. Fill muffin cups ¾ full. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden brown and an inserted toothpick comes clean. 

Being a busy mom doesn't mean compromising on healthy snacks for your kids. With a little bit of planning, smart prepping, and a sprinkle of creativity, you can provide your little ones with delicious and nutritious treats even on the busiest of days. So go ahead, embrace your snack-time superhero status, and make healthy snacking a breeze for you and your family. Remember, happy tummies make for happy kiddos (and mamas)!

Here’s a quick recipe video recap of these videos on the gram!


The Main Types of Sugar we Use in Holiday Cooking & Baking: A Balanced Holiday Feast by A Registered Dietitian


Sourdough Crust Tomato Tart