5 Tips to Gain Paid Brand Partnerships

5 Tips to Gain Paid Brand Partnerships

One of the most common questions I get asked is “how do I get paid brand partnerships?” No really, you’d be surprised with how many messages I get regarding this topic! It’s frustrating to know how credible and capable you are, watching what seems like all your colleagues getting paid opportunities, while your attempts are unsuccessful. Trying to get paid brand partnerships can seem daunting, it can make you nervous or feel overwhelmed so you often  just give up. I’ve heard of (and often have experienced)  every scenario... 

That’s why I’ve compiled my top  5 tips to earn those paid brand partnerships! 

Stop working for free products or an honorarium and keep reading… 

1. Confidence! Confidence! Confidence! 

I cannot express enough  the power of confidence! Brands want to work with someone who’s confident in their skills, abilities, and themselves. They wanna know that they’re in the hands of someone who can get the job done and done right! They want a trusted and credible voice, and as nutrition experts/dietitians you provide that and more. So, brush that nervousness off and reach out to your favourite food/wellness brand! Another great tip would be to approach small/local brands first, so prospecting can feel less intimidating. 

2. Make sure your passion, authenticity, and loyalty to the brand really shine through. 

You can demonstrate your passion and authentic interest in the brand by building a relationship with a brand online. Not only does this really showcase your passion for and knowledge of the brand, but it also makes them feel like they can trust you. Approaching brands that you have previous experience with really helps both parties feel comfortable in discussing a paid working relationship. If you’re unsure how to go about this,  here’s quick DM pitch example to help: 

“Hey there! Happy Monday! 

I have been using your honey for the last few years and it’s become one of my absolute staples. I had to reach out because I was wondering if your team might be interested in a collaboration to promote (name of brand). I am a dietitian and chef, and I love working with brands to develop recipes that are delicious, healthy and approachable. 

I would love to partner with you to do xyz (list specific ideas) to help you achieve (insert their perceived goals)! I’ve got a lot more ideas and I would love to discuss them with you. Let me know if you are available for a call next week (insert specific date/time options) so we can chat further.” 

Looking forward to hearing from you!”

3. Showcase your creativity and uniqueness.  

With all the competition on social media these days, brands are looking for a competitive edge. They’re looking for creative and vibrant ways to highlight their services/products. So, whenever you are trying to seal the deal with a brand you really want to be able to showcase your innovative ideas. For example, you can use the food styling & photography skills you gained from my courses to let them know in addition to being a dietitian or nutrition expert, you are also a trained food stylist and photographer and have a speciality in highlighting  XYZ.  Other ideas are if you have videography skills, run a  podcast-  you can use these unique advantages when pitching. The sky’s the limit so show brands you can really think outside the box. What brand wouldn’t want some new ideas? 

4. Build a relationship with the brand. 

I know, I know… I might sound like a broken record here, but it is so important to build a relationship with the brand before reaching out. Honestly, this is much simpler than it sounds. This is all fancy talk for engaging  with the brand online. So, here’s a quick guide: 

  1. Follow, like, and comment on the brand’s posts for about 1-2 weeks minimum.

  2. Reply to some of their stories to get yourself noticed!

  3. Post about the brand in your stories 1-2 times max, tag them and mention something positive about the brand! 

5. Find a way over or through.

One of the biggest fears with trying to earn  paid brand partnerships is rejection. However, my motto is to find a way over or through. You see, the main misconception about objection is we feel like the brand is looking for a way out of working with us. I’ve often found this is a false narrative . The key is to  find a solution for them and demonstrate you understand their needs. So, if a  brand says “this isn’t the right time” ask them if you can check in later and/or let them know you plan content for clients months  ahead.  If a brand says “we just don’t have the budget”,  ask them when their new calendar (budget)  starts and what their needs will be at that time so you can set a reminder in your calendar. 

Seek building a mutual ground; where both you and  the brand stand to gain something valuable out of this partnership. Remember a way over and through is not a way of twisting their arm, it's about finding a solution. 

Now that I’ve shared my Top 5 tips for securing those paid partnerships, what are you waiting for? Start pitching! 


Check out my paid brand partnership course called Prospect to Partnership. I’ve helped tons of my students go from hobby content creators to full time freelancers.


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