Get Dinner on the Table Quick with this Egg Based Pasta

Written by Dietitian & Food Stylist, Elis Halenko 

Sponsored by Egg Farmers of Ontario

Picture this: you are surrounded by loved ones on a warm summer night, you are seated outdoors al fresco, enjoying a delicious plate of homemade egg pasta made with the summer squash and zucchini you harvested from your summer garden (or collected from your local market) just moments before. That’s summer living at its best!

Some people get intimidated by making homemade pasta, but unlike bread dough that requires lots of waiting time and kneading, pasta takes about 5 minutes to whip together and 20 minutes to rest while you prep all your other ingredients- all this to say, you can get dinner on the table quick! Not to mention, whenever I am thinking of an easy meal to make that is suitable to host friends with (as it's impressive and most people enjoy), this pasta is the recipe I refer to in the summer. 

This versatile pasta dough requires only eggs, flour, and salt, making it a cost-effective and easy-to-prepare option. Additional topping ingredients like eggs, garlic and zucchini are also affordable choices. When shopping for eggs, look for cartons with the Canada Grade A (maple leaf symbol) to ensure you are purchasing fresh, high-quality, Grade A eggs.

Parm may be your splurge item here - but a little goes a long way!  

Simple Egg-Based Pasta Recipe:

Serves 4 


2 cups all purpose flour, spooned and leveled

3 large eggs 

½ teaspoon sea salt 

Water, if needed 

Tools: Pasta maker or pasta rolling pin, standard baking rolling pin 


1. Place the flour in the center of your workspace and make a well with your hands. Crack the eggs and place the salt in the center of the well; use a fork to slowly integrate the eggs and salt into the flour. Once mostly integrated, use your hands to combine the ingredients and create a dough. I usually knead the dough for 2 minutes and then leave it covered with a large bowl on the counter to rest for 20 minutes. You can also make this recipe a day ahead and keep it in the fridge overnight after it rests at room temperature. While you are waiting for your pasta to set, you can prepare the rest of your meal.

2. Once you are ready to make pasta, I set up my pasta maker according to manufacturer instructions, then I cut my pasta dough into about 4 smaller pieces so it's easier to work with. Place a dough ball on a floured work surface and roll out so it’s about ¼ inch thick or thin enough to fit within your pasta maker's largest setting. Continue to flour as needed so your pasta doesn’t stick to the pasta maker or each other. Use the pasta maker to create pasta shapes and sizes of your choice. I find for this recipe a long noodle like a tagliatelle, linguine or spaghetti work best. Once your pasta is ready, sprinkle it with a final tablespoon or so of flour and set aside.

Embracing Seasonal Vegetables in Ontario 

Before we dive into how to prepare the rest of this recipe, I wanted to chat about owning a garden in Ontario. Even if you occupy a small footprint in Ontario, say living in a home with a small backyard or a condo, potted gardens offer a great option for those of us who don’t have the space or want the maintenance of a larger garden. When I was living in a condo in Toronto, I was able to grow cherry tomatoes, lettuce and a variety of fresh herbs easily. Garden centers with baby plants already thriving help give anyone who doubts their ability to keep a plant alive, feel like they have a green thumb. Better yet, with my small potted garden, I could easily whip up a simple, fresh salad and had herbs at the ready for any dish. I was also lucky enough to be surrounded by neighbors and nonnas who had bountiful gardens with a rich array of seasonal produce, including summer squash, zucchini, and garlic… so these items I gladly accepted and became a regular part of my summer dishes. 

Reducing Food Waste and Increasing Affordability

You may have heard this before, but by choosing in-season produce, we can significantly reduce food waste in our food systems and also make our meals more affordable. Seasonal vegetables are often more abundant and less expensive, especially when purchased from local sources. This not only benefits our wallets but also supports local farmers and reduces the environmental impact of long-distance food transportation, especially if it's within arms reach, like in your garden or a close walk to your local produce market. 

Ok… I’ve teased you long enough! Here is the recipe for my quick, garlicky summer squash and zucchini pasta. This dish was inspired by the need for my sister in law to whip up a quick summer dinner as a last minute invitation for us to stay for dinner… 

Quick, Garlicy Summer Squash and Zucchini Pasta

Serves 4-6


1 medium-sized summer squash, thinly sliced

2 medium-sized zucchinis, thinly sliced

8 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced 

¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil 

4-6 poached eggs (1 per person) 

1 Tbsp of White Vinegar (optional ingredient, for poaching eggs) 

½ cup of parmesan cheese 

½ cup of breadcrumbs to top 

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Turn on your BBQ or stove top, and set to a medium-high setting. Wash all of your vegetables. Use a vegetable peeler to thinly slice the squash and zucchini. Drizzle some of the olive oil on top of all the sliced summer squash and zucchini and work through with your hands. Thinly slice the garlic and set aside. 

2. Cook the summer squash and zucchini until some light char marks are visible and set aside. 

3. Heat the remaining extra virgin olive oil on medium heat and add sliced garlic  (don’t turn your stovetop higher than medium heat, this is because it affects the quality of your olive oil), cook on medium heat until the garlic is lightly golden, about 3-5 minutes. 

4. Prepare your water to poach your eggs: 

How to Properly Poach Eggs

  1. Crack your eggs, one by one over a thin mesh sieve that fits on top of a small bowl, let water from eggs drain for about 30 seconds and then carefully drop eggs into a new small bowl. Repeat for each egg or to reduce creating a stack of dishes, you can poach one egg at a time and reuse your bowl. 

  2. Simmer water on medium heat, once your water is simmering, add 1 Tbsp of white vinegar to the water, although an optional, this step helps the egg whites form faster and results in less stray egg white bits. 

  3. Use a ladle to create a little whirlpool and carefully drop your eggs, one by one in the whirlpool (I personally would only poach 3 eggs at a time to ensure I can keep a close watch on them). Cook until your egg yolks are soft set, about 4 minutes. Remove from water with a small mesh sieve and set aside. 

5. Cook your fresh pasta, this only takes about 3 minutes for fresh pasta! Usually when you notice your pasta start to float to the top, this means it's done. Remove from water and set aside. A wise chef once taught me, you can always taste it to make sure. 

6. Assemble your pasta: pour the garlicy olive oil and grilled vegetables all over pasta and mix well, portion into individual plates, top with: 1 poached egg per person, breadcrumbs,  parm and salt and pepper to taste. Serve the pasta immediately for a comforting hot meal or let it cool down and enjoy it as a refreshing cold dish. 

For the quick recipe video, watch this reel here!

Involving Ella in the Kitchen

Ella needs to get involved with the things I am doing. I pick up a broom, Ella picks up a broom. I pick up my cell phone… Well, we are working on that one! 

Working in the kitchen is no different. My heart truly melted when I saw Ella try to crack the egg against the bowl while making this recipe together. As a parent, involving young children in the kitchen can be a rewarding and educational experience. Not only does it encourage bonding time, but it also supports the development of important life skills. Ella, being a toddler, can begin by assisting with simple tasks such as mixing the pasta dough and rolling it out. Pasta dough is basically playdough! This hands-on approach not only fosters a love for cooking but also helps build her confidence and creativity. Perhaps we can make bunny shaped pasta next time, Ella : ) 

Enjoying the Fruits of Our Labor

This quick egg-based summer pasta is one of my favorite dishes also because it can be enjoyed in various ways. Whether served hot or cold, it makes for an excellent option for a summer picnic with the family. Its simplicity and versatility allow for easy customization with different seasonal vegetables, herbs, or cheeses, making it a crowd-pleaser for all.

Making the most of seasonal produce not only enhances the flavor and nutritional value of our meals but also contributes to a more sustainable and cost-effective way of eating. By involving youngsters like Ella in the kitchen, we can instill valuable life skills and create lasting memories. 

So, gather your ingredients, roll up your sleeves and invite some pals over this summer (or not) with this quick and satisfying egg-based pasta dish! 


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