Should Food Photos be Vertical or Horizontal?

One of the most important decisions you can make as a food photographer is how to orient your images, either vertically or horizontally. Depending on the purpose of the photo, knowing when to take vertical food images versus horizontal can be the difference between taking a great photo and one that just doesn’t quite work.

When it comes to taking photos for a recipe for the purpose of updating a website, horizontal images are generally the way to go. This orientation ensures that you can fit all of the images into the same frame and that all of the main ingredients are included in the shot. If you’re shooting for a magazine article or website food page, try to stay away from vertical images as they can be tricky to fit into the layout.

However, if you’re shooting for an advertisement or stock image, vertical images can be very useful. Since they are taller than they are wide, they can often make an effective background in an ad or stock portfolio compared to a horizontal image. Vertical images also don’t need to include every single ingredient of the dish, so they can be used to highlight the main ingredient or promote a specific recipe.

When shooting for a food blog or Instagram, it’s up to you to decide which orientation works best. Most images on these platforms can be portrait or landscape, and choosing an orientation is all about creating a strong composition. Use vertical if you want to focus on height, if it’s an ingredient that looks better vertically, or to draw more attention to the subject. If there’s a unique background that you want to show off, horizontal can work better.

No matter which orientation you choose, remember to always keep composition in mind. One great way to do this with vertical images is to create balance between the food and negative space. Think about the strong lines and shapes you’re creating with the different elements in the shot, like the plate, utensils, garnishes, and the food itself.

In conclusion, the orientation of your food images will depend on the purpose of the photo and your personal style. If you’re shooting for a magazine article or blog, horizontal images usually work better, whereas stock photos and advertisements can benefit from vertical images. Even if you’re just shooting for fun, don’t be afraid to try different orientations to see what works best for your project.


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