Top Food Industry Trends Dietitians Should Know About in 2023

The food industry is ever-changing, and as a dietitian it’s important to stay up to date on the latest trends and regulations. From plant-based diets to new food safety legislation, there are many food trends and industry trends that dietitians should know about. Here are some of the top food trends and food industry trends dietitians should be aware of.

1. Plant-based diets:

Plant-based diets, such as vegetarian and vegan diets, are becoming increasingly popular and have been gaining traction in recent years. Plant-based diets focus on whole, unprocessed foods and exclude animal products such as meat, eggs and dairy. Dietitians need to be aware of the health and nutrition benefits of these diets, as well as the potential risks for certain populations.

2. Food labels:

With food labels becoming increasingly complex, dietitians need to be familiar with them and be able to decipher and explain them to their clients. Food labels contain important information about ingredients, nutritional value, and potential allergens. It’s important for dietitians to understand these labels and how to interpret them to properly advise their clients.

3. Lab-grown meat:

This food trend has fallen under the radar recently, but the idea of lab-grown or “cultured” meat has become increasingly popular. In these foods, cells are grown in a lab to create a product similar to traditional meats. Dietitians should be aware of the potential health implications of this technology.

4. Home cooking:

More and more people are turning to home cooking and shopping at local farmers markets. Home cooking provides healthier options than many pre-prepared foods, as it often allows for more control over ingredients and portion sizes. As a dietitian, it’s important to consider this trend and how you can support clients' desire for healthier alternatives when cooking at home.

5. Snacking:

Snacking is becoming increasingly popular, with more and more individuals reaching for snacks in between meals. These snacks should be healthy and nutritious, and dietitians should be aware of the types of snacks their clients choose. This can help them provide better advice and guidance for proper nutrition.

6. Food Waste:

Approximately one third of the food produced in the world is wasted, yet millions go hungry. Dietitians need to be aware of the importance of reducing food waste, and should encourage those they work with to be mindful of the amount of food they are throwing away or savvy ways on how you utilize their ingredients such as in soups or stalks.

The food industry is constantly adapting to consumer demand, and it is essential for dietitians to stay up to date on the new trends and regulations. By being aware of these food trends and industry trends, dietitians will be better prepared to offer informed and educated advice to their clients.


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