How Dietitians & Nutrition Experts Can Work With Brands When They Are Not an Influencer

Written and edited by Dietitian & Snapstudio55 founder Elis Halenko.

Nutrition experts can offer a variety of services to brands, whether they consider themselves an influencer or not. Working with brands can be an extremely rewarding experience, as it provides nutrition experts with the opportunity to make an impact in the nutrition industry and help others understand the importance of healthy eating.

Here are our top 10 tips:

1. Understand Your Strengths: 

As a nutrition expert, you should know what you do best and how you can best support a brand. Before approaching a brand, make sure you understand what services you can offer and how they will benefit the brand.

2. Have a Professional Portfolio: 

You should have a professional portfolio of all the work you have done in the past for similar brands and projects. Brands are much more likely to work with nutrition experts who have a proven track record and can vouch for the quality of their work.

3. Identify Your Target Audience:

 When working with a brand, it is important to identify and target your audience. Knowing the demographic of the brand's existing and potential customers will help you tailor the content that you write or develop to meet their needs and interests.

4. Pitch a Proposal: 

Develop a proposal for the brand that outlines the services you’re offering, your expertise, and the intended results. Make sure that your proposal is clear and concise, and that it clearly states how you’ll be able to benefit the brand.

5. Understand Brand Values: 

Before working with a brand, it is important to understand the values and mission of the brand, as this will help you develop content that aligns with the brand's message.

6. Build a Relationship: 

Building relationships with brands is essential for creating long-term partnerships. Establishing trust and understanding is key, as it will ensure that you are able to work together in a positive and productive way.

7. Think Outside the Box: 

As a nutrition expert, you should always be looking for ways to be innovative in your approach to working with brands. Think outside the box and consider other ways you can help the brand and create content that will be useful and interesting to their customers.

8. Consider Ambassadorship: 

If you have developed a strong partnership with a brand, you may want to consider becoming a brand ambassador. This will allow you to create content on behalf of the brand and assist in promoting their message and products.

9. Stay Up-to-date: 

It is important that nutrition experts stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the nutrition industry. Staying informed about new research, products and services, and staying connected to the nutrition community will help you develop meaningful content for brands.

10. Network: 

For nutrition experts, networking is essential. Establishing relationships with other nutrition experts, industry professionals, and other influencers will provide you with the opportunity to collaborate, share ideas, and gain new knowledge.

Key Takeaway:

Working with brands can be a great way for nutrition experts to make a difference and show their expertise in the nutrition field. By understanding the needs of the brand, identifying their target audience, pitching a proposal, and building relationships, nutrition experts can play an important role in helping brands reach their goals. Networking, staying up-to-date, and thinking outside the box are important tools that nutrition experts should utilize when working with brands. By following these tips, nutrition experts can successfully work with brands to create meaningful content and help brands reach their target audience.

Need more support from our team?

Need more support working with brands? Head over to our website and visit our 5-figure brand partnership course or send us a IG DM to hire our team for 1:1 brand partnership coaching (you get access to our 5 figure brand partnership course for free when you sign up!). We can’t wait to support you in acquiring and executing your next big brand project!


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Dietitians: How to Pitch to Brands